The God Question

Belief in God is captured using set notation as follows -

{1} = Believer
{1/2} = Agnostic
{0} = Atheist
{} = Null set

Null set is 'non-existence' and this is different from lack of belief in God or affirming belief in God, assuming one has some idea about the term 'God'. Agnostics, despite being unsure, by proclaiming a certain degree of belief, implicitly claims to know what God 'is'. I don't and I would never take a position in this continuum of belief or even approach it. Given the way things are, let me simply state the following: null set. There is simply nothing more to be said. I want to contemplate on the null set and what non-existence in the deepest sense is. I thought zero was non-existence but null set is something else. Maybe it is from the null set that the universe came about. Maybe that is where God 'is'. I am ill-equipped with the mathematical tools to further this investigation. Even if I had them, I have a hunch that I would still end up with some form of incurable ignorance. So, the null set will suffice for now, even though I don't really understand what it is. It seems to be the best position amongst the worst or maybe I am completely wrong. There must be a better way to develop this line of thought. Maybe a grander, more poetic way to bring out the essence of this topic is 'mystery'. Leave it at that, for now. No more words. Please maintain silence. 

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